The Khwai Conservancy, which is on the Northern portion of the Moremi Game Reserve, has a population of just of 300 residents who are either of Babukakhwe or of River Bushmen descent. They are an inspirational example of the early inhabitants of this country who lived in peace and harmony with wildlife.
Khwai Conservancy is an 1800 kilometer area, which is situated in the Northeastern part of the Okavango Delta, sharing borders with the Moremi Game Reserve. This destination was formerly a hunting ground for locals. It is now managed by Khwai Development Trust and was formed by the locals of Khwai. This area is actually managed as a conservation area. Khwai local community practice ecotourism initiatives, conserve the environment and manage the wildlife concession. Khwai is a rich predator destination with a healthy wild dog population. Varying, more seldom seen species can be spotted here. This is also the place you want to explore nature by going on night drives, nature walks, and with a fascinating mode of transport called a mokoro which is a type of canoe.